Saturday, March 7, 2009

I want people to be happy...

So last night I watched Fireproof and I'd say it was a pretty good movie. The actors weren't well known and the acting wasn't the greatest ever. BUT, I think it had a good lesson and a great point. For those of you that haven't seen it, I'd definatley consider it. It's about a marriage that is falling apart and is soon to end. The husband tries to fix things but struggles greatly, and refuses to give up on his marriage. The main point of the movie is to never give up no matter what gets in your way. The reason I brought this movie up is because it's a great example of how happiness eventually finds it's way in. There are TONS of unhappy people in this world and it's a shame. My wish is for everyone to feel happiness. I truly belive that I'm at that point right now in my life. I have a great family that cares, friends who are there for me, an education, and the materialistic things I need to live. Some are not fortunate enough in life to have those things and I'm so grateful to have what I have. I want EVERYONE to know that I appreciate every bit of it and I take NONE of it for granted.